Lance Stories

Around these places, there is something called a Lance Story. A Lance Story is a true story, typically involving an unusual or improbable series of events that are humorous, with elements of irony and serendipity.

I have written titles for many of these stories mentally and physically over the years, but I can never seem to locate the titles once I think I am ready to sit down to actually begin writing. Choosing which story often proves to be the hardest. I hope you enjoy reading these Lance Stories as much as I hope to have in recounting them. Damn…at least I hope I can remember them all!

There are a few really good Lance Stories I may regrettably never be able to share in writing, for even if/when names are changed, there are too many people still around that could identify the individuals involved. Life changes as we all mature and develop as adults, and there are certainly a few people that would no longer like to be associated with certain embarrassing Lance Stories of the past. I plan to use my best judgement!

Clicking on Lance Stories menu will reveal titles to stories that presently come to mind. As of today, only the first four stories have been written. I am unsure of the order or how often one will be written, but there should be 30 or so stories once completed. If you see a title for which you suspect you are connected and wish for me not to share, please contact me at